Good Education system to provide equal opportunities
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Education is a human right. All of us have the right to be educated at least the primary education. However nowadays education has become sort of a business instead of serving the people as it used to be. There are countries where the education system is totally free and there are some other countries where you need to have money to learn. This articles discusses how education can serve to accomplish education in a reasonable manner.
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This discussion is more realistic in third world environments as it empathizes how to eliminate the distance of the privileged people and non privileged people.
First we will start with two cases:
Case One: Student A – is located in the capital of the country and has access to any form of information. His school also one of the best schools in the city and it has all facilities such as laboratories, spot complex. In addition transportation and all other infrastructure is well established. His parents are doing reasonable jobs and this guy has time and money to attend to after school classes as well. Basically this guy has all main facilities at his door step.
Case Two: Student B – is a son of a ordinary farmer in a rural area and he has to help his father in his farm. Parents are working hard to educate their son. There are no extra classes available and neither he has money to attend. School is also not that equipped and has only the basic facilities.
How both students sit the final examinations which will decide the eligibility for an university. The results are like follows
Student A : 80 – rank is 800
Student B: 65- rank is 1400
Now the problem is who is eligible to go to the university. Either both or one of them. This is a very practical scenario and this has lots of contradictions. Here we are talking only about the final marks and the future of students, is depending on these figures. This is the place where we need a very good education policy to eliminate contradictions.
What do you say? Who is the best performer? A or B? I would say B which you might not agree. Below are the reasons for my argument
1. Exam results is a final output and it does not measure how it was produced
2. Exam result is a result of a learning process which has many variables with different weights
It is a fact that talent and skills are not the exam results. If the education system really needs to pick the talents and the skills then other variables also should be measured.
Eligibility for higher education = Exam Results +Other variables with weights (Access to information, access to other facilities, Income level, Availability of required resources, infrastructure and etc)
Now only we have a reasonable figure to compare these two students. Now we have quantified all other measurements and therefore in a positions to compare all the student despite of where they are from.
This system might lead to open some room for certain students to be eligible for the university but overall effectiveness is very high.